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Creating your own documentation page using the SEFSC Quarto Theme

All website content is provided in Quarto Markdown (qmd) files. This makes creating the documentation site itself easy.

Step 4: Edit the homepage

The content of the homepage is found in index.qmd in the parent directory of the repository. Do not or rename this file. Simply replace the placeholder text with your own and commit changes when finished.

Step 5: Edit and add pages

Each page is its own qmd file found within the contents folder. The website’s sidebar is automatically generated from the files in this folder. Use subfolders to create sections, such as this “HOWTO: Using the SEFSC Quarto Theme” section. The index.qmd file in each subfolder is used to modify the subfolder name (otherwise, like with the pages, the name is set by the subdirectory name) and control the order in which the sections appear in the sidebar.

Each qmd page should start with frontmatter:

title: your title
order: 1

The “order” variable here specifies the navigational order in which to render the files. For example, in this template, setup.qmd contains order: 1 and appears before customization.qmd, which contains order: 2, in the sidebar.

The “title” variable controls both the title of the page as it appears on the page itself and what the page is called in the sidebar. If omitted, Quarto will auto-generate the sidebar title from the filename. A “subtitle” can also be provided to be included at the top of the page. See the docs0 for more details.

The title is always rendered as an “H1” header, so the first header within the text should be the 2nd level (##). Be sure to maintain consistent header levels throughout the website.

Quarto Markdown files can include code (R, Python, Julia) and lots of Quarto markdown bells and whistles (like call-outs, cross-references, auto-citations, and much more), only some of which are demonstrated throughout this template. Read the Quarto documentation to learn more.

You can simply repurpose the Markdown files and folders provided in this template, changing the filenames and/or subdirectory names as appropriate and modifying the Markdown frontmatter and content in each file to suit your needs. Delete any unused Markdown files or add new ones as needed.

The remaining pages are informational to demonstrate behaviors or features.