HOWTO: Using the SEFSC Quarto Theme

Creating your own documentation page using the SEFSC Quarto Theme

The SEFSC-documentation-quarto-skeleton repository is a template, or “skeleton”, starting point to create a new GitHub-based documentation site that uses the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) documentation-theme-quarto documentation format and functionality. This documentation theme is derived from the NOAA Fisheries Open Science NOAA-quarto-simple-python repository and is inspired by the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) documentation-theme-jekyll, which is used for all sites.

The instructions below will allow you to create a new GitHub Pages site that follows the look and feel/functionality of the documentation theme used by the site. You can then add/edit the template markdown documents with your own content.

The theme has many additional features that have are not demonstrated nor utilized in this preview repository. Check out the Quarto documentation to learn more.


This Quarto website has Python code in the code.qmd file and has a Jupyter notebook. The GitHub Action will render those for you but note that you need some a special RAW block at the top of your ipynb file. Without this, the Jupyter notebook won’t render (code blocks won’t be computed). It looks like this

title: Jupyter Notebook
  enabled: true
jupyter: python3

Also you will need to add any modules that your code needs to the requirements.txt file so they are installed by the GitHub Action.